Free «Multicultural Learning Experience» Essay Sample

Multicultural Learning Experience

Last fifty years, inaugurated by the integration of the national cultures into one unique system, were obviously interesting. The world faced the phenomenon of the multiculturalism which was different to everything it had experienced before. The development of the modern technologies, the raise of the global consciousness and elimination of the national boundaries have cleared the limits between different countries. As a result, the great issue of multiculturalism has appeared. Many argue that there is one universal cultural experience, common and familiar to the whole world. It combines different features and motives and appeals to various nationalities, ethnicities and social groups. Nevertheless, traveling abroad or discovering art heritage of foreign cultures is still witnessing about the opposite thing.

Recently, I have happened to observe the art exhibition of the French painter Jean Jacques Surian. He is a living legend of the French fine arts and a striking representative of its original beauty and unique peculiarities. Experiencing the novelty and uniqueness of Surian’s works proves the fact about the authentic and original French culture which is so different to my native one.

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Everyone who observes Surian’s paintings has to admit its independent character, freedom and liberty. They are rather extraordinary and highly individual. The same is true in the relation to the culture of France, in general. It appreciates experiments and is ready for new discoveries and challenges. In fact, the cultural heritage of France contains brilliant combinations of various arts and outstanding mixes of different movements and trends. Perhaps, such a tendency can be explained with the diversity of the social life, which is still typical for France. Elegant, refined and highly civilized north sets boundaries with the rustic, original countryside life in the southern parts. Different point of view, outlooks, and lifestyles have strongly influenced the culture of France and its current situation.

Secondly, the other important feature is that all paintings and explanations are written in sophisticated French language. The translations were rather occasional and shortened. The matter is that French people strongly appreciate their mother tongue and prefer using it in all situations. In fact, French would rather agree to listen to poor French rather than to English, for example. This is the other authentic feature of French culture.  The desire to protect native language from the influence of globalization and devotion to the ancient traditions have resulted in the respectful treatment of French. Definitely, there is a grain of truth in such a behavior, although it may be regarded as odd and arrogant from the point of view of foreigners.


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Finally, I would like to mention about the opulence, luxury and affluence of Surian’s paintings. They are full of rich colors, splendid images, bright portraits, and refined motives. The aspiration to affluence and luxury is the other key point of French culture. It highly values sumptuous cuisine, gorgeous buildings and fashionable clothes. Actually, it seems as if France did not create anything without great thoroughness and accuracy.

In general, the whole experience has reminded me about one important feature, common for the whole humanity. The matter is that people always aspire to beauty and luxury. However, it is France who managed to set this principle in the basis of its native culture and made it the main factor of the national consciousness. Learning French culture has also taught me to treat everyday life more precisely and find beautiful moment even in the ordinary things and events. In any case, in is the beauty which is responsible for saving the world, isn’t it? I believe that this experience will allow me reviewing my own cultural principles and find some common features as well.

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