Essay Formatting Tips and Help from Professionals

Being capable of writing an essay or research paper is an important part of any student’s education. However, writing essays is not just about listing ideas. All institutions will require your paper to follow a certain format. Superb essay format examples will be the basic ones like APA and MLA. The application of these formats could range from high school to college papers, since they are the standard essay formatting styles. Following your professor’s favorite essay format is vital. You may think that following the required style is tricky, but presenting your work in a proper format helps you keep your paper clear, organized, logical and plagiarism-free.

Very often students have troubles with essay formatting. As a rule, learning to format papers properly requires much time and effort. Regardless of whether you are good at writing papers, formatting papers in a proper way may come as a big challenge for you. If you are reading this article right now, it means that you have come across the best format website, where you can find the most valuable information about essay formatting. Read on and find out about the best solutions to all your problems with formatting. As a rule, students do not pay adequate amount of attention to formatting, as they are already tired after organizing and structuring the paper in terms of content. Besides, students view paper formatting as the least important aspect in essay writing. First of all, they think that flawless paper organization is a prerequisite of academic success. Second, they lack sufficient knowledge and skills in citation styles.

As the best essay formatting service, we can definitely tell you that efficient formatting helps to succeed in at least 10% of the final grade. Your professor will focus not only on content, grammar and punctuation but also on such aspects as proper margins, spacing, indentation, font size and type, and citation arrangement among others. Among the main styles which we work with are the following:

  • MLA;
  • APA;
  • Harvard;
  • Chicago;
  • Turabian

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What Is an Essay Format?

So, let us first answer the question “what is essay formatting?” When it comes to writing an essay, proper form and flow are essential, as this will determine how well you will be able to communicate your ideas. This is why it’s critical to have a format, or a specific set of guidelines that decides how the elements of your essay are to be arranged. In essence, a proper essay format holds the line between writing a jumbled mess of thoughts and writing a properly researched and formatted paper.

When formatting your essay, there are a few select things to pay attention to. These should include your essay’s structure, your title page, your page for any works you’ve cited, and in-text citations if you have any. Of course, a basic essay outline must have an introduction, body, and conclusion, as all of these hold critical information.

Why Is Essay Formatting Important?

Following an essay format is significant for many reasons. Firstly, it helps the readers understand the ideas and thoughts presented in the essay in a logical flow by the writer. Not just that, readability is essential. If the information is just presented randomly, the clarity will be missing.

Next, if the essay doesn’t appeal to the eyes, it will not grab the people’s attention. So the way an essay is written decides whether it would be read by the audience or not.

In addition to this, the format is important for the writer as well. As it provides a guideline, it works as a checklist for a writer. To make sure every important aspect is discussed in the essay, a format is used. 

The Most Common Essay Formatting Styles

Each college or university has its own preference for essay formatting styles. As a rule, instructors tell their students what standards they should follow. Professors usually provide a template that guides students through all their essays and research papers. However, it is much better, if you are prepared in advance! Thus, if you doubt your choice of the essay format, or you have missed the part where formats were explained, we are going to describe top 9 of them below.

Style Explanation


This is also among most popular essay formats. It is deciphered as American Psychological Association, so as evident from the name, it is mostly encountered in the US, in Psychology-related disciplines. But apart from it, it is also common in Sociology, Business, Economy, Healthcare, as well as Economy. It has a title page and an abstract (though this point is optional). Pages should be mentioned in direct quotes only – other sentences are formatted via ‘author, date’ model.


This standard essay format stands for Modern Language Association. It is extremely common among most American and British colleges and unis, as well as in official scholar publishing agencies. While it is assigned across various disciplines, for the most part, it’s present in humanities. English and English and World Literature, Religion, Linguistics, Culture, Philosophy, Art and History, Music, etc. are subjects that frequently require it. From key features, it doesn’t have a separate title page, and each citation needs a page number mentioned against the name of an author.


AMA, established by the American Medical Association, is one more way to organize your academic paper and make it clear for the audience. Use it whenever you have some essays to cite for a nursing program or health-related classes.


The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) is one more guide to consider. Students and scholars who wish to be published in historical or social periodicals should study the rules of the Chicago Style, which is also sometimes mistaken for the Turabian style. The two known approaches to this format are the Notes-Bibliography System and Author-Notes System.


This basic essay format has been developed based on Chicago style, and it carries the name of a woman from University of Chicago who developed a special citing guide for students. Like with Chicago, it is applied in Business, Arts, and History spheres. There are two forms of it: one includes author and date citations while another requires footnotes and superscript numbers. Title page is needed.


The American Sociological Association did not waste time either. This organization has proposed its own unique referencing style known as ASA, which is a close resemblance to the APA format with several basic differences. The style has an emphasis on the date and the author’s name.


This one is also known as the Author-Date reference style and is mostly used in the domain of economics. There are no official manuals for this format; however, two variants of the guide were published by the British Standards Institution and the Australian Government Publishing Service (AGPS). Some may argue it’s among the easiest to use.


Even students who study coding have a style to follow in their written works. IEEE, established and developed by the Institute for Electrical & Electronics Engineers, is a Bible for those involved in IT, engineering, and computer science.


Students who study law should have heard about Bluebook and McGill. The Bluebook refers to a source system that contains a set of guidelines for citing among legal professionals who refer to the works of scholars in their studies. This style was prepared and proposed by Harvard, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania.

How Should I Format My Essay?

Students are often unsure of exactly how they should format their essays, assignments and reports for university if they haven’t been given specific or precise guidelines by their lecturers or tutors.

Luckily, there is a standard way to format essays for university that is generally accepted across most universities.

In this article we will explain what you need to do to follow those most commonly accepted guidelines.

  • Font

Your font should be Times New Roman or Arial. Don’t use anything fancy, and avoid Calibri and Cambria. Even though Word has set these as the default fonts, they are generally not the preferred font to use at university.

  • Headings

For an essay or assignment, in which you might only have one to three levels of headings, you might follow these guidelines:

Heading 1 (Centred, bold, size 14)

Heading 2 (left aligned, bold, size 12)

Heading 3 (left aligned, bold and italics, size 12)

  • Spacing

Your essay should be at least 1.5 line spaced, and often double spacing is preferred. This is to give your grader enough room to make corrections or write comments for you in the spaces in between, if they are grading on hard copy. If they are grading electronically, that spacing just makes the document easier to read on screen.

  • Paragraphing

You can either use a first-line indent of 1.27 cm at the start of each paragraph or you can use a line space between each paragraph, but don’t use both.

  • Page margins

Keep your margins set as the default used by Word, or at a minimum 2.54 cm all around. If your tutor or lecturer is grading on paper, they might appreciate a 4 cm left-hand margin so they have more room to write comments for you in the margins.

If you want your paper to have a professional essay format and need any further help, you can order our high-quality formatting service. is always here to assist you.

What Essay Formatting Style Should I Use?

Prior to following the outlined steps for academic style formatting, you need to know what format of essays is suitable for you and your work. There are several ways of learning it, and two of them could be differentiated from the rest. First, look at your major. Is it humanities? Sciences? Medicine? Law? This is going to help you diminish the number of options because as you can see from the previous section, each sphere tends to have its own formatting style. When you do that, look at a subject. Styles like MLA and APA could both cover the same one, but in such instances, go back to the major itself. For example, if you study foreign languages as a whole, MLA would be a great fit, but if you’re focusing on legal translations, Bluebook could be more helpful. Second, just go ahead and ask your teacher. They’ll be pleased with such question. Most likely, they’ll provide you with an academic template showing which style is needed and how a paper in it should look like.

Online APA Essay Format Tips

APA is one of the most popular formatting styles endorsed by most of educational establishments. If you are free to choose in which style to format your paper, you can easily choose APA if you are well-versed in all its details. Comparing to the other citation styles, it is easy to comprehend and understand.

MLA Format Help

If you are challenged to format your academic paper in MLA, then you should definitely seek professional help on our MLA format website. We hire only the most experienced and qualified writers who are experts in MLA style. As such, you can get adequate help with making your paper look readable and excellent in format. Unlike most of the other citation styles, which are rather complicated and challenging, MLA style formatting boasts of its straightforwardness. Our website provides helpful samples and templates on how to format an MLA paper properly. In case you need professional help, we will gladly help you.

Harvard Citation Format Help

Harvard style is commonly used among university students in the process of writing academic essays. As a rule, Harvard style manuals and guides include rules on formatting in-text citations and reference lists. With adequate expert help, one can easily learn to format papers in Harvard style. If you want your paper to look effective, elegant, and readable, you need to perfectly understand how to format the paper right from the very title page to the reference list. If you are here on the website, then you are on the right way towards arranging Harvard style papers correctly.


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Expert Assistance on Our Chicago Format Website

Chicago style is the one most students have immense difficulties with. With our website service, worry no more: you will get professional help and will be properly guided through the process of Chicago formatting. Our reliable formatting service enables you to get expert help with Chicago style, where you will get to know how to properly format endnotes/ footnotes, organize a bibliography page, and split the paper into sections. The style is hard to handle, so you are lucky to have our online platform.

Turabian Essay Format Help

Turabian style resembles Chicago in most ways. It was developed by Kate Turabian to help students of Chicago university write dissertations in correspondence to one specific style. Afterwards, many other universities adopted the general Turabian formatting template, which is famous for its endnotes and bibliography page.

Trustworthy Formatting Service for Documents

If you are looking for the most reliable formatting assistance with your dissertation, research paper or essay, then is the best choice you could ever opt for. With professional writers employed by our company administration, we guarantee that with our assistance, you will greatly improve your essay formatting skills and essay grades. Apart from ordering a paper written from scratch, you can only purchase a formatting type of order, where you provide your own paper and our editors format it according to the latest academic standards.

How to Use Our Formatting Service

Step 01
Fill in the order form
Step 02
Pay for the order
Step 03
Our expert is formatting your paper
Step 04
Your paper is formatted and delivered to you on time

How We Work ensures that our clients can order formatting of their paper in a few fast and simple steps. The order placement procedure will take you only a few minutes. Here are the steps:

  1. Fill out the order form

This is the fundamental step in the ordering process as you need to mention the order specifics and details. Make sure to indicate how much time you have. Also, do not forget to specify the formatting style and the topic of writing. In other fields, make sure to provide other important details about the paper.

  1. Pay for the order

You have to conduct payment for the order before it is submitted. In this way, we encourage our writers to work on them diligently and responsibly and at the same time ensure that clients have serious intentions of using the services from

  1. Get the writer allocated to your order

After a financial transaction is completed, you should wait till a specific writer is assigned to work on the order.

  1. Download the paper

You can download the paper from your personal cabinet at or receive it via email. Overall, our company is a trustworthy writing service that is happy to work on formatting of your papers. Visit and order paper formatting without hesitation!

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