Free «Kant's Practical Imperative» Essay Sample

Kant’s Practical Imperative

Kant states that the essential value of peoples’ moral obligations is a categorical imperative. It is imperative since it is a command (Promislo, 2010). It does not apply to people in case they have antecedently assumed some objectives for themselves. Since a person is the same when nudging and when dining, they must be the similar when at work and operating a business. Therefore, one must continually act with a similar moral law. The definite imperative hence indulges even business and societies to act ethically. It would be claimed that when there is a lack of moral communal setting companies would not be able to perform. The following paper seeks to explain whether or not and how American firms can violate Kant’s practical imperative in the domestic operations.

Companies are an essential part of society, and they portray morals as obvious and as well as any of other institution (Pan, 2010). There is a misperception when it comes to discoursing typically ethical or moral values and corporate. People in a corporate infrequently do very openly, and non-business people who start the concerns appear to be too controversially either to attack the company or guard it. In America, critics of the Kant’s imperative claim that companies do not have the tendencies that would make them stick to it. Their first reason is that the nonmaterial unit is not a matter to normal laws or influenced by needs. Despite it appearing similar to wishes for happiness, a firm cannot be said to have the turnover motive than the state can require tax incomes.  Associates of the congress may need the cash to spend, and many citizens may back tax upsurge (Promislo, 2010). However, the state on its side cannot require anything. Likewise, workers may be inspired to upsurge profits even at the cost of their moral commitments, but it’s obvious that the business need for profit is vague.

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Secondly the criticism theorized against the application of imperative in American companies lies in the lack of rational nature; they can neither be thought to reason nor authorize ethical laws. They lack the capacity to accomplish moral activities or make ethical choices. Any aspect towards ethics may only be used in a figurative logic. The argument is that the company has no faculty of liberty in the appropriate logic of the term.  Thus the company, being just a legitimate entity, has no awareness of moral restraint and thus no humanity in the logic that Kant laid down (Pan, 2010). This creates a sense mainly if Kant’s philosophy is well comprehended: that is, the fact of reason depicts that one is an ethical agent who is obliged by the law.

By insinuation, Pan (2010) argues that Kant is achieving fame in business ethics since the categorical directs issues such as false advertising and unfair working circumstances, which handle people as means to reach the goal. Pan (2010), states further that for those who use Kant’s theory this method mostly clutches companies themselves ethically accountable. He further states that the origin of joint responsibility controverts the type of moral activity that triggers Kant’s ethics. In America, Kant’s imperative has widely affected companies. This is because it opposes the fact that the firms should handle people just as a way but instead treat them with respect for humanity and personhood. Since companies are managed by people, it cogently ensures that the method people are treated in a company defines if it is morally upright or not.


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Moreover, if American companies perform in the ethically appropriate sense, through application of various types of categorical imperative they can define the ethical acceptability or impermissibility of a company (Promislo, 2010). It is therefore acceptable that individual moral beliefs quite distinctively determine personal productivity within the company’s management. Therefore the more aligned personal values are, the more logically they will pull together to attain the company’s intentions and goals.

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