How to Write a Solid Dissertation Acknowledgement
Completing a dissertation is a hard work. You need up to a year to get everything finished correctly. Your research must be thorough and unique and involve a few, if not more experts that help you deal with the paper. As a result, a decent dissertation must contain an acknowledgments section. Here, you share your words of gratitude and say thanks to the people without whose help your results would not be possible. In order to learn how to write appropriate acknowledgments, one should know a few peculiarities to be able to express yourself in a complete way. Therefore, here is a nice example how a solid thanks section must look like.
Composing a Dissertation Acknowledgement Section
Dear Chairman, members of the Dissertation Council and the audience!
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It has been a while since I started to plan the thoughts about the presentation and finally, here it is, a complete work that is ready for defense. This period became quite beneficial for me – not only did it influence my deep knowledge in the scientific arena, but it has also made a great impact on my personal identity. The new connection that I have established during the time of writing will be helpful for my future career, where we will both resort to each other’s help. Therefore, let me express my gratitude to all those who participated in the preparation, presentation, and discussion of my thesis!
First of all, allow me to express my gratitude to the chairman of the dissertational council and the academic secretary of the dissertation council for the opportunity of putting this work to the public. It is of vital importance for me that my dissertation will get to people so that my research has been conducted in vain.
Secondly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my scientific supervisor, Mr. Cedrick Roosevelt, for his help at all stages of the dissertation’s execution. Also, my dear tutor has also provided me with great opportunity to work with the sources that would not be accessible without their help. They showed me the right direction where I should head for achieving the result where I am now.
Thirdly, allow me to express my deep gratitude to the official opponents for their highly qualified and objective feedbacks, who made it possible to identify the most assailable shortcomings and to understand more deeply the significance of my work, as well as for the overall positive evaluation of the thesis.
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I also want to thank sincerely to the heading organization – the Higher Commercial School under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and its staff for the attention paid to my scientific work. They did not neglect my requests and managed to provide me the help that I strived to receive so much.
In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my family – my parents, my wife and my children. They patiently listened, advised and helped me deal with all the obstacles that were met on this harsh way.
Thank you, everyone involved in this dissertation.