Tremendous Dissertation Introduction Writing Help

When a reader looks at your work, the first thing he/she reads is introductory part. It plays a crucial role because the first impression depends on introduction. Therefore, when writing dissertations, keep in mind that the opening chapter is vital, since this is the first part your readers will see. Thus, it should be concise, logical, clear and informative. The introductory section should provide a brief overview of the later work, explain its purpose, set the tone, give a broad idea of the research and arguments that preceded your own ones, and leave a positive overall impression. So, when you are writing a dissertation introduction, you need to put a lot of effort in order to create a perfect introductory chapter of your project.

It is important to make your introduction intriguing and arise curiosity in your potential readers. Writing a good dissertation or thesis introduction chapter might turn out to be a real challenge. On the one hand, one has to provide enough information to engage the audience. On the other hand, one shouldn’t overload the readers with too much waffle. However, some of you may lack the necessary writing skills to cope with this task successfully. That is the reason why you might be searching for good dissertation introduction samples or can choose to ask for expert dissertation introduction writing help online.

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What Makes a Strong Dissertation Introduction?

To craft a high-quality dissertation or thesis introduction chapter, you need to understand exactly what this chapter needs to achieve. In other words, what’s its purpose? As the name suggests, the introduction chapter needs to introduce the reader to your research so that they understand what you’re trying to figure out (explore), or what problem you’re trying to solve. More specifically, you need to answer four important questions in your introduction chapter.

These questions are as follows:

  1. What will you be researching? (i.e., your research topic)
  2. Why is that worthwhile? (i.e., your justification)
  3. What is the scope of your research? (i.e., what will you cover and what will you not?)
  4. What are the limitations of your research? (i.e., the potential shortcomings of your research)

In essence, the dissertation introduction chapter should serve as a roadmap for your research, outlining its objectives and providing a solid justification for its significance. Essentially, this section must address both the “what” and the “why” of your study – what the research entails and why it matters. The challenge lies in striking the right balance in the level of detail you include. As the researcher, your close familiarity with the subject can easily lead you to focus on minor specifics. Although these finer points may be captivating, it’s essential to approach your introduction with a “need-to-know” mindset. Otherwise, the chapter could become overly elaborate and cumbersome. You should aim to deliver a clear and engaging overview while maintaining brevity. Rest assured, you will have the opportunity to delve into those finer details in subsequent chapters.

Here are some great ideas for making your introduction chapter strong:

  • An interesting and catchy opening sentence that will attract the attention of your readers.
  • Do not state everything in the introduction, but only outline the gist of your work and argument.
  • Check and ensure that you do not promise anything that you will not deliver later in your dissertation.
  • Ensure that the language used in the chapter remains clear and comprehensible, allowing your readers to grasp the concepts effortlessly. While maintaining this clarity is essential throughout the entire document, it holds particular significance in the introductory section.

Once you’ve learned what makes your opening section outstanding, it is time to delve into the dissertation introduction structure with greater detail. This will give you a clear understanding of how to write a dissertation introduction properly.

How to Write a Dissertation Introduction: 8 Essential Elements

Now, when you realize what you need to achieve from your introduction chapter, we can get into the details. Despite the fact that the exact requirements for this section can vary from university to university, there are eight core elements that most universities require. 

Element Description

The opening section

Here you introduce the reader to your research in high-level terms.

The background to your study

Here you explain the context of your project.

The research problem

Here you will explain the gap that exists in the current research.

The research aims, objectives and questions

In this part, you will set up the expectations of the rest of your work and clearly state what your research will aim to achieve.

The methods

Next, you should offer a concise overview of your strategy for tackling the research question(s) and the techniques you plan to employ. Keep in mind that the methodology section will delve into your approach with greater detail, so there’s no need to be overly elaborate in the introductory segment of your project.

The significance (justification)

Here you’ll explain why your research is worth doing and the value it will provide to the world.

The limitations

Here you’ll acknowledge the potential limitations of your project and approach.

The structure

In this part you will briefly outline the structure of your dissertation or thesis paper to help guide the readers. Provide an overall idea of how each section supports the main point of your work.

Typically, this chapter consists of 7 to 8 fundamental parts, as previously outlined. Incorporating these elements into your introduction will enhance its completeness. However, there are no strict rules or standards dictating the structure of this chapter; the components may vary according to the specific guidelines you receive. Therefore, it’s essential to clarify the requirements with your professor before you begin drafting.

USEFUL TIP: Taking notes during your meetings with your professor is highly beneficial. Alternatively, consider asking for permission to record his/her voice. This way, you’ll ensure that you capture every detail of their guidance and feedback.

How Long Should a Dissertation Introduction Be?

Actually, there are no exact rules of the length of a dissertation introduction. Mostly, it depends on the total content of your project. The introductory section can be 5-7% of the total dissertation and it is widely acceptable as well. Remember to check the guidelines from your university.

So, how long should the introduction to your dissertation be? The most obvious response is – as long as it is necessary – no shorter and no longer. Each research project is unique and, therefore, it will have its own specific requirements. There are certain factors that may play a role in determining the length of the final document – the academic or scientific discipline, the level of the research conducted, the depth of specialization, the problem or topic explored and also the preferences of your department. Make sure to look at the guidelines specifically intended for the type of thesis or dissertation you are writing and use the instructions relevant to your department, discipline and subject area.

In fact, the more advanced the research, the longer the dissertation or thesis is. Thus, an undergraduate dissertation will be much shorter than a doctoral thesis researched in the same department and on the identical research topic. In a traditionally structured scientific thesis at the postgraduate level, where the introduction is followed by chapters dedicated to methodology, results, discussion and, finally, conclusions, an introduction that constitutes about 10% of the overall length is generally acceptable. Some instructors and guidelines might recommend a little shorter introduction of about 7% or even 5% of the total length of the document, but in other disciplines and especially when the background information needed to understand the research is extensive, an introduction might grow to 12% or even 15% of the entire thesis or dissertation.

To sum up, the introductory section shouldn’t take much time to read it, but it should include all the important points. However, you don’t need to squeeze all the points in one page; 2-3 pages will be quite enough for an introductory chapter.

Do You Consider Writing a Dissertation Introduction a Challenging Task?

Our company,, was established with the aim of assisting students who are not willing to cope with their dissertation introduction writing on their own and in time. We work to help you write your paper according to the instructions and submit it within the deadline. When you are assigned with writing dissertation introductions, you can face a lot of problems related to academic writing. It may happen because of little writing experience, or lack of knowledge in the selected subject. We are here to assist you in such case and write your paper from scratch.

High Quality Help with Dissertation Introductions

Introduction is aimed at seizing the chosen topic and make sure it is focused and written effectively. A qualified writer can cope with this assignment with ease while an average student will find it a real challenge. When working on custom dissertation introduction writing, our writers make sure it is done following the customers’ instructions. Our written pieces created by our writers are authentic. We are happy to announce that is considered to be one of the best online writing services. We work with professionals in different fields of study. They all hold PhD, Master’s or Bachelor’s degree. They are willing to help in writing a dissertation introduction or if you need, they can write the whole dissertation for you.

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It is really easy to receive expert dissertation introduction writing assistance. Contact our company and order our custom dissertation introduction writing services. A writer who is qualified in your topic will be assigned to work on your order. Rest assured that the final result will be excellent paper that will get the highest grade possible. As soon as you place and pay for your order, we will assign the writer who will conduct the necessary research work and will write the paper in time. Our friendly customer support works round-the-clock for you. Contact us at any time and we will address all your concerns and answer all your questions related to academic writing. Our major priority is to make sure that our customers are satisfied with our service. That is why we write a dissertation introduction according to the customer’s specific instructions.

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Not every student choses to buy a dissertation introduction online. However, we have many returning customers who do not regret about their decision to ask for our professional assistance. Our expert writers possess vast experience in academic writing. We help our customers to move forward and develop their writing and analytical thinking skills. Our customers have a right to use the papers we deliver them as writing samples that inspire them to write their own dissertations. Consequently, we are sure that the assigned dissertation introduction writer can help you in many ways. is a reliable online writing company. We will help you succeed in academic life. Our unique feature is the possibility to communicate with the assigned writer. Customer can monitor the writing process and communicate with the writer via our messaging system. Our writers have no tolerance to plagiarism. They do original and write from scratch.


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How to Order a Dissertation Introduction

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Step 04
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Our ordering procedure is pretty simple. You will have zero stress while placing an order at our website:

  • Fill in the empty fields in the order form. Provide us with the important details like the topic, discipline, number of pages, academic level and deadline. Attach any files necessary for the writer to do the work properly;
  • Go through payment procedure. We use only reliable payment systems;
  • When the payment is verified, a highly qualified writer will start working on your order. You can use our messaging system to chat with him/her in case of any questions;
  • Download your paper directly to your PC or laptop once the deadline expires (from your customer account created on our website).

We Will Help You Make Your Work a Success

Your dissertation has to be unique and absolutely original. Your audience should be able to recognize the value of your work to the scientific world. The opening chapter is a crucial part of any good research project. This is where you tell a reader what your study has to show and say and why they should pay attention to it. It means that this section needs to contain strong argumentative language so that people are eager to read on!

Many students struggle to write an introductory chapter the way it should be. In case you find yourself in this category and need assistance, we at can provide it. Our work is always completely original and tailored to your specific project requirements. 

Do not waste your precious time and call, email or contact us via live chat to place your order today! We will make sure that all your writing needs are met and the final paper is written according to your instructions. In addition, we will never be late with your order!

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