Aircraft Accidents because of Weather
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Aviation pays much attention to the elements of weather because they have significant effects on airplanes. Bad weather elements have caused almost three-quarters of all aviation disasters. It explains why the airline industry takes weather elements seriously. This essay seeks to give a detailed explanation of the effects of fizzing rain and its impacts on aviation disasters. Aviation accidents have led to a massive loss of lives all over the world; and the aviation industry has made great advances in curbing this colossal loss of life through enhancing safety regulations on air (Prinzo, 2007). The regulations have achieved success to some extent but much stands unaccomplished.
Fizzing Rain
Fizzing rain falls in a category of bad weather that contributes a lot to aviation disasters. Bad weather encompasses fizzing rain, fog, thunderstorms among others. Fizzing rain particularly poses a significant challenge to aircrafts. It stands responsible for all the major aviation tragedies. It first reduces visibility of pilots, which is very crucial while landing a plane. Pilots rely heavily on their visual ability while landing a plane on the runway. Fizzing rain reduces runway visibility largely (Kolle, Markarian, & Tarter, 2011). Besides reducing visibility, fizzing rain also floods the runaway making it very difficult to land a plane. Flooded runways have a potential of derailing an aircraft leading to a fierce disaster. Flight delays or postponements have become a common occurrence on the account of bad weather.
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Effects of Fizzing Rain
The aviation industry has made advancements in providing the accurate information on weather elements in a bid to enhance safety of planes. The industry has established advanced weather stations that provide the specific information. It is relayed to pilots in a real time to allow appropriate decisions. The use of modern technology such as a satellite has enhanced the provision of accurate weather prediction results.
It is said that fizzing rain causes flameouts that refer to a situation where the engine flame is put out. Though the pilot can reignite the engine fire, it can only occasionally happen. Fizzing rain might cause double engine flame-out or single engine flameout. Even though pilots can still land the plane even if double engine flame-out has occurred, it takes considerable experience of pilots to do that (Prinzo, 2007). In most cases, dual engine flame-out has caused disastrous plane crashes facing many lives lost.
Fizzing rain causes an engine failure which leads to power loss that precedes rollback. Pilots caught in situations of the engine failure are always advised to restart a motor. In case they fail to reset then the use of auxiliary power comes in handy (Prinzo, 2007). Auxiliary power unit helps the pilots to restart the engines. The situation could remain worse if the intensity of rainfall persists.
Limited time
High concentration of water in the engines may still send to an idling mode. Now the pilots have to deliberate on various options such as landing the plane immediately on the runway or seek for an alternative landing strategy (Prinzo, 2007). If the fizzling rain affected runway visibility, then landing the plane on the same runway with failed engine power remains a tricky option. The decision taken by pilots of flight is an excellent example of a good decision in the eyes of a catastrophe.
After experiencing a double engine failure due to a flameout phenomenon abandoned an idea of landing on a runway. The crew broke the plane out of the thick cloud cover and landed it on a levee. The plane was brought to a stop with no causalities being reported (Prinzo, 2007). An investigation into the incident revealed that ingestion of high amounts of hail in the engine core was responsible for the dual engine failure.
Weather radars that keep the pilots abreast regarding the weather intensity in the vicinity of the plane have equipped modern aircraft. The relayed information may influence the flight path choices by the crew. Pilots have altered the plane flight path depending on the intensity of the oncoming weather. The radar displays green color for lower weather extremities. Amber, on the other hand, indicates the increased strength. Red indicates a high level of weather intensity and clearly warns that the path ought to be avoided at all costs (Prinzo, 2007).
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Accidents Related to Fizzing Rain
Nepal plane crash claimed eight lives in what was termed as bad that is snow, fog, and rain. The weather elements led the plane into crashing into a mountain and from that point forward bursting into a big flame. The plane first lost its contact with Nepal Airplanes. The aircraft lost visibility due to the presence of rain, fog, and snow (Prinzo, 2007).
Planes are now fitted with the rain removal system that helps to remove rain from the aircraft’s windscreen. The wipers and rain repellents clear a windscreen for the crew’s visibility. They have two settings that enable them to move fast and slow. The rain repellent systems come in handy in torrential rains. Despite all measures taken in overcoming the effects of bad weather, there is only one sure way of staying safe. It is postponing flight (Walling, 2010). Planes should never take off or attempt landing when bad weather is reported. It is better to delay a flight and save lives than take on the severe weather elements and lead to a colossal loss of life. Bad weather also causes serious damage to the planes skin removing the top layer of the aircraft’s cover.
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Air crashes caused by fizzing rain has led to the colossal loss of life as the rain attracts lightening that causes system failure especially the planes computer system. Fizzing rain also interferes with communication from a watching tower. Strained communication between the pilots and the crew at the watching may lead to inaccurate misinformation especially concerning weather elements at the landing station (Walling, 2010). Communication about the weather situation at the landing site remains very crucial to pilots. Fizzing rain may also cause some destruction especially on infrastructure at the airport and airstrips. Poor infrastructure in landing areas may cause serious plane landing problems leading to disastrous accidents. Fizzing rain causes floods that destroy physical facilities leading to costly renovations.
Avoiding Fizzing Rain
Fizzing rain should be avoided for various reasons because it causes serious visibility issues. Fizzing can make the runway invisible. In essence, fog refers to the formation of a cloudy suspension in the air that may range from light fog to thick fog all with varying consequences. Fizzing rain may also provide a wrong judgment about the plane’s altitude especially if the pilots are relying on the windscreen observation to determine the same (Prinzo, 2007). Building airports with good drainage systems can help reduce the challenges posed by fizzing rain. Thus, it will reduce flooding of the runway. However, fog mat remains in the air for a very long time if the weather remains gloomy.
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Fizzing rain as a weather element needs avoidance at all cost since it has severe effects on the plane’s performance and safety. It may cause a mechanical failure such as flameout when the very hailstorms get into the engine core. They cause engine failure leading to the loss of throttle power. Loss of power renders the plane almost uncontrollable leaving the pilots with only one option. It is trying to land the aircraft at the nearest plain ground (Prinzo, 2007). Some crash land in a process kills passengers.
The crew ought to have all the weather details as displayed by the weather radar. They also need to get back up weather information for the destination than the plane. It will enable the crew to make informed decisions regarding the flight paths to take. Avoiding the flight paths with severe hailstorms helps make air travel safe (Thomas, 2008). Modern planes building ensure that they can withstand severe hailstorm conditions. However, it should not deter individuals from taking precaution all the same. Hailstorm not only has the potential to cause the engine failure but also impair the crew’s visibility and floods the runway making plane landing a horrendous task. Flooded runways may also cause a skidding effect that may derail the aircraft from the runway.
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Fizzing rain comes along with high winds that have an impact on the plane both during the landing and during the takeoff. The wind direction and strength must be determined before the aircraft attempts to land or take off. Fizzing rain that comes with high winds may necessitate a change in the direction of the plane and landing speeds. They may lead to a change in flight paths as a decision that the crew makes to avert a possible wind-related disaster. High winds may also carry it with objects causing a mechanical damage to the plane (McManners, 2012). The debris may find their way into the aircraft’s engine and cause the engine failure
Fizzing rain should also be avoided at all costs due to their effects on the aircraft’s mechanical operations. Cases of lightening striking the plane and destroying the computer system have been reported. Once the computer system breaks down it renders the plane almost uncontrollable. Even an autopilot collapses leading to a manual plane operation. The aircraft relies on the computer system for almost all the functions including communication with the destination radar. It also interferes with accurate reliance of weather elements and plane’s altitude (Prinzo, 2007). The plane’s altitude remains very crucial as it helps the crew determine whether the aircraft has attained the correct height for landing.
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It suffices to conclude that weather elements remain a great factor in the aviation industry. All safety regulations revolve around weather elements. Their correct predictions may reduce incidents or accidents related to weather elements. The advancement in technology has aided in the provision of accurate weather information especially the weather radars installed on the plane. These radars relay weather information on the aircraft’s vicinity. They have significantly improved the provision of weather information thus leading to making accurate decisions on the flight paths that they take. Appropriate decisions by the flight crew also determine a lot in the aviation industry. All solutions made especially in times of crisis determine the magnitude of disasters. Even though bad weather has caused many aviation disasters, much has changed since the advancement of weather forecast technology.