Unrivalled IB Extended Essay Writing Service: We Help You Win the Race

A large number of students worldwide are pursuing the International Baccalaureate diploma with the ultimate aim of securing a successful future as students and professionals. However, the process of studying and preparing for the extended essay is far from easy. Students often encounter big challenges that prevent them from achieving their desired grades in all IB exams. This often leads to feelings of disappointment, frustration and other negative emotions. As a result, we, as professional writers, strive to alleviate these difficulties and simplify students’ lives by offering a top-quality IB extended essay writing service online.

An IB extended essay serves several purposes that have to be born in mind by those who are going to enroll in the IB program to get a respective diploma. Such a piece of writing gives students an awesome opportunity to investigate engaging subjects, express their ideas and make assertions, and seek powerful arguments to support those. This paper impacts the grade needed to get a diploma considerably, which means it deserves meticulous attention. However, you should not start panicking and thinking that you are not skilled enough to handle such writing project. With our magnificent extended essay writing service, you will cope with such a tricky paper easily.

If you buy an extended essay from us, you will not need to deal with confusing professor’s guidelines and tear yourself apart pondering over what to begin your scholarly work with. We are ready to lean over backwards to help you reach your goals. Our team consisting of highly-qualified extended essay writers will give you strong support at each stage of our cooperation.

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IB Extended Essays: What Should You Know about Them?

To understand what you will have to deal with, let us first answer the question “What is an IB Extended essay?” An IB Extended Essay is an independent and self-directed research project that students in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program undertake during their senior year of high school. It is a common requirement for getting the IB diploma and gives students an opportunity to explore a topic of interest in depth. Such an essay is typically around 4000 words long and involves analyzing data, conducting research, and presenting findings in an academic and structured manner. Students are assigned a supervisor who guides them throughout the process, providing feedback and support. The paper allows students to develop research and writing skills, as well as show their ability to think critically and independently.

When you are given such an assignment, it is crucial to adhere to the provided guidelines. For extended essays, there may be specific requirements regarding the length, word count, structure or format style. Failing to meet them, you can decrease the likelihood of passing and obtaining the diploma. In fact, there are a few points that are of utmost importance during the research process:

  • One should use reputable sources for gathering information;
  • Any statements or facts should originate from reliable and trusted sources that your intended audience is familiar with;
  • Additionally, your essay may need to include citations, and the specific citation style should be outlined in the assignment instruction;
  • It is essential to pay attention to sentence and paragraph structure, word usage, grammar, and check the content to ensure a cohesive flow of ideas and thoughts.

Thus, if you feel overwhelmed and unsure about handling all the aspects of such a project, do not hesitate to seek professional IB extended essay help.

How to Write an Extended Essay that Is Strong: Effective Tips and Tricks

Working on your EE can be both exciting and difficult. To help you produce a winning paper and get the most from this experience, we’ve prepared a list of valuable hints and strategies to guide you through the process:

Choose a research topic you are passionate about Select a topic that genuinely interests you to make the research as well as writing process more enjoyable and come up with a more engaging paper.
Be focused and specific Craft a narrow and precise research question to allow for a deeper analysis of the subject matter.
Use a blend of primary and secondary sources Utilize both primary and secondary sources to gain a well-rounded perspective on your chosen topic. Evaluate the credibility and relevance of each source critically.
Maintain a research journal Keep a record of your research journey, including your ideas, thoughts, consulted sources, and challenges faced. This will aid in organizing your project and reflecting on the process.
Break it all down into several manageable tasks Try to divide the essay-writing process into smaller tasks and set realistic deadlines for each. This approach will help you stay on track and manage your workload effectively.
Cooperate with your supervisor Maintain open communication with your supervisor and seek his/her guidance throughout the essay-writing process. His or her expertise and feedback can greatly boost your final product.
Be organized You can utilize various tools such as note-taking apps, citation managers, and outlining software to keep your research and writing process organized. Then, it’ll be easier to locate information and structure your paper properly.
Draft, revise, and redo Embrace the iterative process of rewriting and revising your project. This will strengthen your analysis, polish your arguments, and make the overall quality of your work better.
Seek feedback from your peers and mentors Apart from your supervisor, you can share your paper with trusted mentors or peers to gain constructive criticism and additional perspectives.

The quality of your writing will have a direct impact on the outcome of your diploma program, which, however, complicates the writing process itself and makes it more stressful. In most educational institutions, the grade for an extended essay constitutes one-third of the final diploma grade, so you cannot leave it up to chance. Fortunately, you can delegate your writing assignment to an expert extended essay writer.

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Why Students Need Professional Extended Essay Help

There are several reasons why you may consider seeking assistance of experienced extended essay writers:

  1. Extended essays are complex and require a comprehensive approach to writing. A lot of students are just unfamiliar with how to structure their essays effectively.
  2. Students have numerous responsibilities throughout their academic careers, and an IB essay can take most of their time.
  3. Writing an extended essay involves extensive research, and students may struggle to find accurate information, which could negatively impact their grades. Instead, our IB writers guarantee high-quality work and strive to ensure client satisfaction, which will result in the best result.
  4. By getting professional IB extended essay help, students can avoid compromising their chances of admission to their preferred universities, which can have a significant impact on their future professional lives.

Do you know that there is an excellent solution to all your essay writing issues? Regardless of the reason why you require help with your paper, the answer is a reputable IB extended essay writing service, the one that is provided by our company.

Make Use of the Top-Rated Online IB Extended Essay Writing Service

You may notice that some of your group mates have already gotten involved in the process of writing an IB extended essay and even started selecting IB extended essay topics. Nevertheless, due to the lack of time or resources, you may find producing such a complex paper challenging, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Our specialists are at your disposal even if the time frame for creating your work is short. Just contact our support agents and say, “I want you to help me write my IB extended essay!”

Undoubtedly, if you’re in search of the top IB extended essay writing service that offers skilled writers, strict adherence to deadlines, and attentive customer support, Fresh-Essay.com should be your primary choice. Our experts have consistently surpassed other extended essay writers by delivering exceptional projects. Our rankings and reputation have soared particularly due to our personalized extended essay help. Students who have used our expert assistance say that they receive papers that feature a clear introduction, focused research questions, a well-structured body, and a compelling conclusion.

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Our Great Team of Highly-Skilled IB Extended Essay Writers

When it comes to choosing extended essay writers to ask for assistance, students prefer working with our professionals due to their experience and qualifications in producing brilliant papers. Here are the reasons why our experts stand out:

  • Subject expertise. Each expert possesses extensive knowledge in various subject areas relevant to IB EE writing and is well-versed in the specific requirements of the International Baccalaureate curriculum. We ensure that all our experts have completed the IB diploma themselves, allowing us to maintain the highest quality in our IB EEs.

  • Familiarity with the required IB assessment criteria. Our experts are well-versed in the evaluation criteria and ensure that the EE they create meets all the program’s standards.

  • Strong research skills. Our writers excel at conducting thorough research, utilizing relevant and up-to-date sources, and accurately citing them according to MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and other IB citation guidelines.

  • Excellent critical thinking skills. A proficient IB extended essay writer should possess the ability to analyze information, identify patterns, and draw well-founded conclusions, since these are the key elements of an extended essay.

  • Outstanding writing and editing skills. Our professionals demonstrate strong writing abilities, composing coherent, clear, and well-structured essays. In addition, our writing experts have perfect attention to detail, enabling them to identify and eliminate grammatical errors, various inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the paper.

  • Vast experience working with students. All our experts have experience collaborating with students on IB essays and understand the pressure and challenges they encounter with academic papers in order to excel.

You can see that our team of IB EE writers is similar to no other. They are true experts in what they do and have been dealing with such type of essays for a long time. At Fresh-Essay.com, we do not employ just any writer. Our stringent recruitment process requires that each applicant writer has the demanded experience and qualification.

Why Choose Our Supreme Extended Essay Writing Service

There is a great deal of EE writing services online, but not all can deliver you flawless work. Our IB writing service is designed to provide our client-student with impeccable and powerful content. Moreover, if you buy extended essays from our agency, you will be granted:

Authentic Texts

Our experts produce texts from scratch. If you use the superlative IB extended essay writing service provided by Fresh-Essay.com, you will receive an exclusive scholarly project without any copied passages.

Direct Client-Writer Communication

If you desire to ensure that the allocated specialist is doing everything right, you can contact them by means of our messaging system. In this way, all your worries will disappear.

Extremely Affordable Prices

The prices we charge for custom IB extended essays are reasonable since we do not want our customers to take loans to buy the needed pieces of writing. A page of a grammatically correct and properly structured paper costs $19.99.

Timely Completion

You will receive your academic work according to the specified deadline. We understand the importance of deadlines, and we take pride in our commitment to meeting them, no matter how tight they are.

Correctly Formatted Papers

Our extended essay writers are aware of all formats such as APA, MLA, Harvard, and others. Rest assured that your paper will be perfectly formatted by our experts.

Thorough Grammar Check

Our customers can order an editing option to get their texts carefully edited by our qualified editors. We understand that dealing with the paper for an International Baccalaureate program is more than challenging. Even having a detailed extended essay guide at hand may not help. That is why the team of Fresh-Essay.com offers you not only writing assistance but also the editing and proofreading one. If you have produced such a project on your own and want to ensure it is free from any errors, address us without hesitation. Our professional editors will make certain that your text is completely flawless.

Wide Range of Services

We provide a vast number of essay writing services that are tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients worldwide. Our services are not limited to any specific demographic, as we cater to students at various academic levels, from high school to postgraduate studies. We also serve clients in countries such as the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Europe, and many more. We understand the specific academic requirements of different regions and educational levels, and offer personalized and impactful IB writing services that are customized to your unique needs.

Complete Privacy

If you buy extended essay papers from our company, be confident that no one will find out about our collaboration. We prioritize confidentiality and have strict policies in place to safeguard your private information. Rest assured that we won’t share your information with anyone. Additionally, any content we create for you is exclusively for your use and will not be reused or shared with others. If you need more details, you can review our Privacy Policy page.

Thus, if you want to buy an extended essay at the reliable company, Fresh-Essay.com is the best choice.

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We Can Help You with Any Type of Assignment

Our team of highly-qualified and degree-holding EE writers specializing in the International Baccalaureate curriculum is ready to assist you with any assignment. Our experts have in-depth knowledge of the International Baccalaureate curriculum and can help you achieve the grades you desire. Regardless of the type of writing you need assistance with, we can help you. We have expert writers in various fields, including cademic writing, technical writing, business writing, creative writing, etc. Our expertise covers a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Nursing
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Math
  • Geography
  • Physics
  • History
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Communication Studies
  • Environmental Systems and Societies
  • Literature
  • Politics
  • Psychology, and many more.

How to Buy an IB Extended Essay

Step 01
Fill in the order form
Step 02
Pay for the order
Step 03
Our writer is creating your paper
Step 04
Your paper is written and delivered to you on time

The Process of Buying Custom Papers from Us Is Simple

Due to the simplicity and transparency of the ordering procedure, getting a paper from us is a piece of cake. Thus, if you desire to hire one of our professional extended essay writers to write an IB EE for you, consider the following stages:

  1. Complete the order form. Pick the kind of assignment needed, word count, academic level, due date, discipline, etc. If there is some extra material such as lectures, professor’s notes, etc., provide it as well. In case of clarifications, our writer may contact you via our messaging system.
  2. Pay for your project. Once the transaction is confirmed, an experienced extended essay writer will be assigned to your order. He or she will start working on your paper right away.
  3. Download your scholarly work from your personal area. Pay attention that you will also get a direct link to your completed assignment via email. By following it, you will be redirected to your assignment.

In case you see that the delivered work does not comply with all your requirements, you can request a free revision. This feature can be availed of within 48 hours (papers consisting of 1-19 pages) and 30 days (papers consisting of more than 20 pages) after the stated deadline expires. If the described period of time is over but you want your text to be amended, you can use the paid broadened revision options, i.e. 14 and 4 days accordingly. Furthermore, an extended revision (4 days) is one of the VIP options and also included in the VIP account.



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Get an Unsurpassed IB Extended Essay Writing Service

If you are seeking flawless IB extended essay examples, address us without hesitation. Our experienced MA and Ph.D. degree holders can help you fulfill any task regardless of the topic and requirements. We always maintain high standards and apply the principles of academic integrity what differs us from other writing companies operating on the web. We can guarantee that cooperation with our company is the shortest road to your academic success. Buy extended essays from us and we will help you attain your goals with ease.

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