Market Definition and Opportunity
There has been a great evolution in modern day businesses. Many organizations now shift to the usual local market and focuses on international markets, to further their capabilities to capture, manage and satisfy the never ending wants and needs of the of the growing consumers (Burns 12). Businesses strive hard to establishing businesses around the world and having a successful brand name. The newly proposed business is known as “Green kitchen”, which is to be based in Germany. The proposed business will manufacture a wide range of kitchen cleaners based on an original formula. In particular, the company manufactures cleaning solutions that are environment friendly.
As part of the continuing efforts to define its market and grab opportunities, Green Kitchen is looking at venturing its business into multiple regions in Germany. Green kitchen will open up several retail shops in different areas across Germany, but before it goes regional, it will first be established in Frankfurt also known as Frankfurt, a town in Brandenburg in central Germany.
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The business owners chose Frankfurt because it is the fifth largest city in Germany with a population of 704,449 according to 2012 census. Frankfurt is known to be the financial and transportation centre in Germany and the largest financial center in Europe as a continent. It is where the European Union’s central bank is located, the Frankfurt Stock exchange, the German Federal bank and the Frankfurt Trade Fair among other large commercial Bank for instance, Deutsche Bank, and DZ Bank. Frankfurt has one of the busiest international airports in the world. All these factors make Frankfurt the place to start a business. It gives the company an opportunity to have a vast target market (Burns 19). These among other reasons are the key factors that were considered by Green Kitchen to make an investment in Frankfurt. To add on this Germany geographically is in the in a central position in Europe, this due to its standard of industries and its geographical advantage. Green Kitchen also considered the fact that Germany is a leading economy in Europe and also features in top world largest world economies. It has a great domestic market and presents an easy access to the growing market in the European region. The economic system that has been there in Germany is very friendly to the extent that it has a free market and social economy. It is proof that the German economy is on a free market economy, accompanied by regulative actions or procedures set by the state. It creates a very friendly environment for Green Kitchen to start operations.
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The Green kitchen strategic environmental policy enables the company to identify its competitive environment in order to generate reasonable structural transformation within which to meet its goal and objectives. With the company’s key external environmental considerations, the positive impact of environmental scanning is by both opportunities and threats. Subsequent efforts by Green kitchen to identify and interpret its capabilities in the new environment include positioning itself against the market forces in order to achieve optimum results (Burns 23).
Kitchen cleaners have been of great need in the market of Germany for the last three years, but they have to meet this demand by importing most of their kitchen cleaners from other countries across the world. What Green Kitchen Company wants to put up is a business that would be taking care of this market demand. The venture will ensure that the company manufactures the best kitchen cleaners in order to meet the local demand of these items in Germany. The middle class, which arbitrarily consisted of, people aged 23-46 who had similar liking for Green Kitchen Cleaning products. Green Kitchen will focus on customer relation, sales representative, with different locations all over the country, the company will use the latest technology available to make marketing easier, and with well-trained staff members that will be able to give the best service (Burns 26). It will try to provide the best services in all the places where there will be our trusted customers and sales persons. According to a market statics released last year by the New York statistics firm, it was found that business that look out for their customers’ needs makes more profits than those that operate by not catering for customers needs. It is the base of our company looking out for our customers’ needs.
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In conclusion, Green Kitchen’s market success will depend on its consumers and the plan it will use to retain the customers. By enabling customers to benefit from its high quality products with considerable value as compared with its competitors, who would inevitably, meet its target expectations. The model for its consumer search is dependent on the changing market forces, and its considerations basing on strategic management of its business environment would provide additional evaluations regarding its marketing activities (Burns 31). Ultimately, the interface business roles of the target consumer would involve creating effective consumer platform which hence will generate positive potentials for international investments.