Write a Narrative Essay without Any Problems

Narrative essays are among the numerous papers that students have to deal with in high school and college. Writing such an essay is about applying both writing skills and personal experience, and many might think that it is a task that is easy to complete. But students who lack experience in writing are likely to disagree. If you belong to this group, the experts of Fresh-Essay.com are here for you. In this article, you are going to find helpful narrative essay writing tips and an effective solution to your writing problems. What is a narrative essay? What are the correct writing style and format for this essay? How to write a good narrative essay? Our experts and their narrative essay tips will answer all of your questions.

A Definition of a Narrative Essay

A narrative essay is a paper that tells a story about some real-life experience. It might describe a person, an interaction, an event, etc., as long as it contains all the elements of a story. Although a narrative essay should have a typical academic structure with the introduction, thesis statement, body, and conclusion, it allows for some creativity, which makes them stand out. For example, such a paper might contain a dialogue. The secret as to how to write a good narrative essay is to make it engaging for a reader. It is done with a narrative hook, mood, plot twists, a strong thesis statement, interesting characters, and other tools. In other words, to succeed in this assignment, you need to be a real storyteller. And our narrative essay writing tips will help you get closer to becoming one.

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Narrative Essay Types Explained

A narrative essay comes in different forms and shapes and can be completed in a preferred writing style. But there are several types of narrative papers that are more common than others. Let us check them out:

  • A personal narrative essay. This is the most widespread type of this academic paper. It focuses on a real experience that a storyteller had in their life. For example, it might be the first day at school or the instance when one had to face their biggest fear. To write it, an author is likely to use a descriptive or a linear, i.e., chronological, narrative writing style.
  • A fictional narrative essay. In this case, an essay is based on a story that is a product of one’s imagination. The piece can take many forms and formats. The author might use the linear or non-linear narrative writing style if they want to spice things up.
  • A memoir. It is a non-fiction writing that resembles the first one indicated on the list. However, while the latter is about a small episode or experience, the memoir is devoted to a bigger period of one’s life. This essay is more profound and reflective.

Regardless of the type of narrative writing with which you have to deal, you can count on our helpful tips and the assistance of experts from Fresh-Essay.com. We are there to guide you through the writing process from A to Z and even to complete it instead of you.

Why Love or Hate Narrative Writing

While writing a narrative essay might be fun thanks to the freedom of expression that this task offers, it is not easy at all. Let us have a look at the reasons why this paper is both a great and terrible assignment, which will help you clearly understand how to write a narrative essay.

Awesome features of a narrative essay:

  • Allows a student to express thoughts freely and use “I”.
  • Does not require additional research in sources.
  • Makes a student practice the storytelling skill.
  • Helps to reflect on personal experiences.
  • Trains creativity.
  • Is a lot more exciting than other academic papers.

Downsides of narrative writing:

  • Might be uncomfortable to write because one has to describe their own experiences.
  • Requires not only writing skills but also creativity and inspiration.
  • Is very subjective so a reader may not like it.
  • Requires conveying emotions and sensations, which is more complicated than just presenting facts.
  • Takes a lot of writing experience and time to produce something worthwhile.

Perhaps, now you think that writing a narrative essay sounds great and want to hop on the assignment. If this is the case, keep reading our personal narrative essay tips. If you feel that narrative writing is already too much for you, place an order at Fresh-Essay.com and get custom help from our expert.


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How to Write a Narrative Essay: Step-by-Step Guidelines

Writing a narrative essay is about telling a story that should become interesting to the audience. Such an essay should grab a reader’s attention from the first line and maintain interest till the very last one. To do it, a writer can use a wider set of tools in comparison with other academic papers. But there are also narrative writing rules and tips that a student should follow.

Steps Description

Choose a Topic

Choosing a topic is quite a challenge for any type of paper. One of the most important tips that we could give you is to opt for a topic that you know very well. Search your memory for a positive or negative event or a particularly vivid moment of your life. The stronger impression it left on you, the easier telling your audience about it will be.

Draft an Outline

Planning is a big deal in any writing process, so be sure to spend enough time creating an outline of your paper. Brainstorm ideas and arrange them in an order that makes the most sense for your topic and would allow a reader to understand the story. The traditional introduction, body, and conclusion should also be well-planned there.

Write an Engaging Introduction

An introduction is where your story begins. It should not only prepare a reader for what is coming but also grab their attention. The secret to how to write a good narrative essay introduction is to make sure it has a hook and a thesis statement. The hook makes the reader start guessing, “What will happen here?”. And the thesis statement sums up the main idea and sets off the action.

Create a Body of Your Paper

The body of the essay should present the plot of your story. In there, it should reach its climax. The easiest way to organize a body is chronologically, but the non-linear presentation is also possible. Paragraphs in the body should end with transitional sentences.

Conclude Your Paper

A conclusion is a paragraph where everything comes to an end. In the majority of academic papers, a conclusion sums up the information. In narrative writing, it may also contain the moral of the story, make a prediction, or offer a revelation regarding the story.

Revise and Edit Your Final Draft

Even if you like your piece very much and think you have learned how to write a good narrative essay, never submit your first draft for assessment. It should be revised and edited. Sleep on it or at least take a pause for an hour and then edit the paper. You will notice sentences, word choices, and mistakes that should be fixed.

Among all the narrative essay writing tips mentioned above, the key one is to work on engaging your reader in the story. If you manage to do it, you will surely receive positive feedback. If, however, you doubt your ability to write a narrative essay well enough, you can get help at Fresh-Essay.com.

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Personal Narrative Essay Tips on Selecting a Topic

If your professor has not provided you with a topic to write about, you are free to choose it on your own. While it might be exciting, it is challenging too. There are countless options, and you might feel at a loss. The following tips can make the topic selection process easier:

  • You will feel more comfortable and confident when writing about things that you know and find meaningful. If the topic resonates with you, it is more likely to appeal to a reader too.
  • If you are to write a personal narrative essay, choose a specific experience or moment of your life to talk about. For example, describe an instance when you were the happiest in your life or the time that you overcame a serious obstacle, etc.
  • Look for inspiration in literature or in the environment around you. Think of what left a lasting impression on you and write about it.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment and look at usual topics from different perspectives. A narrative essay is one of very few academic papers that allow being truly creative. Use this chance to go off a beaten track.

If, however, you do not feel like writing this paper and choosing a topic frustrates you, you do not have to do it. There is professional writing assistance that you can use. The writing team at Fresh-Essay.com can not only select a topic for you but do the rest of the task too.

The Elements and Structure of a Narrative Essay

You already know that the structure of a narrative essay is the same as of any other essay. There should be an introduction, body, and conclusion. But this type of essay is about telling a story, so there are additional elements in the structure that you should be aware of:

  • Exposition. This is a part of the introduction in which you need to present characters, a setting, and a problem or a conflict that the characters are to deal with.
  • Rising action. Start developing the body of the paper by describing small moments that led to the stakes getting higher. Be sure to describe emotions to engage the audience.
  • Climax. This is the big moment when the stakes reached the highest point. This is the reason why you tell this story.
  • Falling action. End the body by describing how things worked out after that important episode of high tension.
  • Resolution. In the conclusion, explain the takeaway from the experience and the lesson you have learned.

These elements are the foundation of storytelling and keep a reader at the edge of their seat. If you understand how to apply them correctly, you can proudly claim that you know how to create narrative essays well.

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Narrative Essay Writing Tips to Make Your Essay Shine

We hope that the picture is clearer now, and you know where to start with the writing of a narrative essay. But we have more effective narrative essay writing tips for you:

  • Use active words to make your story dynamic.
  • Descriptions are of huge importance in a narrative essay. Appeal to a reader’s senses like sound or smell to make descriptions more vivid.
  • Use first-person writing abundantly.
  • Keep it simple and clear to make sure a reader enjoys the story and does not have to get through complicated syntax.
  • Include details but do not overuse them. Keep only those that are relevant to the story.
  • Make sure there is tenses consistency throughout the paper.
  • Do not ever submit your paper without proofreading it first.

If you want more help than just tips, you may place an order with Fresh-Essay.com. Our qualified narrative writers will assist you in telling your story to the audience and impressing your professor.

Trustworthy Writing Service Available for Everyone

If you do consider getting help from a writing agency, you should choose one extremely carefully. Unfortunately, there are many fraudulent writing services that offer unbelievably cheap papers. Very often, students fall into their traps when searching for ways to save money. A wise student will never trust a writing service that sells pre-written papers because it would put their academic reputation at great risk. Usually, such papers can be easily found on the web. They contain plagiarized sentences and even whole paragraphs.

Also, these services hire green-hand writers and pay them badly to cut costs.

If you do not waste your money and put your grades at risk, you should use help of a reputable and legit agency like Fresh-Essay.com. Our professional team of writers can deliver narrative essays of premium quality in no time. Our writers are experienced and qualified people who have effective tools for writing a successful paper and impressing even a very demanding professor.

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Why Should You Choose Us?

Using a professional writing service is a good solution that will help you get rid of the burden of daunting academic tasks. And using the services of Fresh-Essay.com is also a smart and safe solution because we guarantee:

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How to Order a Narrative Essay

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Pay for the order
Step 03
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Step 04
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How to Order Good Narrative Essays

Are you ready to let your stress go and hire a professional writer to help you? Then place an order with Fresh-Essay.com. It takes a few clicks and a few minutes only. Here is how it goes:

  1. Fill out an order form. Share the details of your assignments and set a deadline. Indicated the needed number of pages and sources. Let us know what your preferred formatting style is.
  2. Make a payment. There are several payment methods available at Fresh-Essay.com. Choose the one that you like the most and proceed to pay. Once we verify your transaction, we will assign an expert to complete your request.
  3. Relax and stay in touch. You may talk to your writing expert as we work on your paper. You may also track the order’s progress in your account on our website. Or you may just relax and let it go. We will follow your requirements precisely.
  4. Get your paper. Your assignment will become available for downloading as soon as the deadline expires. Take it and use it.

At Fresh-Essay.com, we believe that all our customers deserve services of the best quality only, so we provide papers that meet requirements, student-friendly prices, and round-the-clock support to make our cooperation as simple and pleasant as possible.

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